In depth list of tips and tricks for stoners

Reddit user _JustChris_ compiled a great list of tips and tricks even the pros might find useful. If you have any of your own comment down below.

Alright guys, im making this post after reading a post asking for stoner tips, i am a seasoned smoker, been smoking weed for 6 years and everyday for the last 2. I have had many many experiences with weed i have seen the awesome the good and even the bad times which is basically the broke times. Anyways im going to compile a ton of tips for you guys that i have learned some of them will be “stolen” cause not everything can be original but bare with me. Anywyas this is probably going to take me a long time to edit this so right now it is 2:25pm Aug 20th.

These are just some random tips i threw together in no particular order im sure 90% of you know mostly everything on here but who knows you might learn something.

  • Invest in a grinder – Trust me guys, if your new to smoking weed and are still breaking it up with your hands, a grinder will make your life a whole lost easier plus in the end you will get a lot more herb out of it because when you break it up with your hands you just dont get it as fine as you would in a metal grinder. Dont get me wrong if you get that customgrow420 chronic then breaking it up with your hands might even be a better bake.
  • Glass Now this will be a little more controversial because i know a lot of you like your joints and blunts and i have met many many stoners who refuse to use glass and i have met a lot who will only use glass and so on. I think any stoner should have at least 1 glass piece around even if it is a little glass spoon bowl sometimes joints/blunts take a lot more weed that a simple bowl pack, i have put .2g in a bowl and gotten baked and i have put in 1g in a blunt and got just as baked so it is way more efficient. You don’t have to go out there and get a scientific glass bong.
  • Know the quality of weed your smoking Okay so even if your a beginner i highly suggest you inform yourself on what good weed looks like and what bad weed looks like. You can be a first timer and i have seen many many friends come to me saying they just got some weed and wanted to smoke and they pull out some straight reggie and say they paid 50$ for an eighth… If your buying off the streets make sure you get what YOU want i have met tons of people who prefer reggie over the cali chronic and i have met people who ONLY smoke the loud and so on so just make sure you get what you want and dont over pay.
  • Scales Okay another controversial thing and im not necessarily saying you should get a scale because sometimes its not even necessary however if you are in a illegal state and you are buying from anyone really and especially if your a first time buyer its always nice to have a scale or make sure they have a scale and weight it out because i cant tell you how many times i have been shorted .5 even so much as 2g once… Also when using a scale make sure you calibrate it first. What i do is i get a nickle put it on the scale let it sit there for a sec and do that a few times and make sure it weights out as 5g so you know it is accurate.
  • BE AWARE OF YOUR USAGE This is going to be a longer one, now im sure when MOST of us started smoking we all thought to ourselves oh this will only be a once in a very great while thing or ill only smoke when im with friends and thats how i was at first. After the first month of maybe smoking once a week i realized i wanted to do it more and by myself. Cannabis can be great, wonderful, but it can also be abused I know MANY MANY stoners who has to have cannabis every single day, and multiple times a day. There is a point where it can control your life there will come a time where you feel like you need it just like you need a cigarette if your a cig smoker, and that can be a bitch, honestly. I remember when i was 16 i was ONLY motivated to get a job simply to give me money to buy more weed and just be that, no intention to save up nothing and this is where weed can control your life if you feel like you need it then what you really need is to take a break.
  • Make sure weed is not your only source of happiness I cant stress this enough… i am a person who suffers from depression as im sure a lot of you at least get sad from time to time and use weed to perk you up. It is extremely easy for weed can transform to your only source of happiness and that is a real shitty thing to deal with as i have before… There is no real trick/tip to beat this except for just trying man you gotta fight that and live life sober, not all the time but you gotta find happiness within yourself not to sound like a hippie or anything but thats just being real.
  • How to hide being high Now this is a obvious subject in these parts and im going to keep this brief here are a few things you can do to hiding your weed usage. But a towel under the door, some people say a damp towel is good i think any towel will do just fine but up to you, secondly if you have any air vents in your room SHUT THEM BITCHES if you dont you will stink up the hallway/wherever them vents lead to. If you dont do that then your boned. Incense is great but not everyone likes it so its a iffy thing, a sploof is also required you can get a smoke buddy or you can get the card board part of a toilet paper roll and take a few of those dryer sheets most people have take it on one end and when you smoke blow your smoke thru it and it takes away a lot of smell and MAKE NEW ONES OFTEN dont use the same on repeadily for obvious reasons… Also spray some febreze BEFORE you smoke not after. Windows open. Im sure there are many more but i dont want to keep this one going on too long as there are a lot of other threads about this.
  • Blunts So this will be obviously about blunts basically a blunt is where you buy a cigar pack most people will get swisher sweets 2 for $1 cant beat that also zig zags there are tons what you do is you split the wrap which is what is wrapped around the tobacco and you empty the guts (the tobacco) in the trash then roll up the blunt. Blunt splitters are amazing nuff said. Blunts are GREAT when your smoking on mids/reggie because it kinda masks the taste of the weed dont get me wrong you still taste it but just not as much as you would from basically any other method of smoking. One last thing on blunts is there great when smoking in a sesh cause they have more weed and burn longer but also if you have quit smoking ciggs know that even the blunt wrap itself is a tobacco and there is nicotine in them.
  • Rolling Trays Rolling trays are nice to have in your stash box i personally have XL Raw rolling tray and to be honest… i hardly use it but if i had a smaller one i would probably use it A LOT more often so if you get a smaller one its great, you waste NO weed with it. What i do is i roll my joint on the tray and typically there is a little bit of weed left over the corner or something so if you get all that you might have yourself a small bowl pack. So yea they can be extremely nice to have.
  • Reward method This is very important and is something i have always put in place. In short is goes like this if your in school or doing any type of work make sure all of your shit is done for the day before you start smoking because smoking can sometimes unmotovate you, and many other things like when you smoke and study it becomes nearly impossible to retain the information you had learned. This is really useful for college students and high schoolers, but really it applies to anyone this is just a good thing to do in my personal opinion.
  • Check your lap before you stand up cant stress this one enough, i have broken a total of 3 glass bowls and cracked 1 phone screen from not checking my lap when i stand up because when your smoking a bowl and just lay it on ur lap u forget its there that second the bowl hits the floor your heart drops and you begin grieveing over that lost bowl. Such a sad thing to have happen to someone but is also easily avoidable.
  • Know the quantities to avoid looking like a dumbass Ill break it down, 3.5 grams = An eighth or 1/8th, 7 grams = A Quarter, 14 grams = a half and i think you guys can continue the pattern 🙂 A nickle a lot of people may have not heard of this and if you here someone selling a nickle it weights out to be 1.75 grams but a lot of people will just make it 2grams if your cool. Okay this is going to take forever and HONESTLY i cant remember it all because i only deal in Eights/Quarters/Halfs/O`s typically you will hear terms like nickle, dime, 20sack its kinda slang terms for reggie and is relatively cheap.
  • Mason Jars Now this is for you ballers with bags of weed out there mason jars are great for keep weed fresh while being smell proof at the same time. So yea if you got them O`s or you have different strains and want to keep them sepearate mason jars are great, but pill bottles work just as well too.
  • Vaping for you stoners who like being low-key or in general want to ingest cannabis a healthier way, vaping is the way to go. You can vape dry cannabis and oils but we will get into oils later. When you vape cannabis basically here are the pros: Not much smell, Doesnt effect your lungs as much as the other ways of smoking, It can be a extremely conservative way of smoking weed. Personally i only vape oil but vaping cannabis can be very beneficial.
  • Sativas Okay when you grow weed there are 2 types… well technically 3, There are Sativas, Indicas, and hybrids. Here we will only talk about sativas i will get into the others later. Sativas are good strains to smoke throughout the day, they will give you a nice head high and generally make you more energetic and positive they are great for depression and anxiety but keep in mind all weed effects people differently so its more or less trial and error to see what works for you the best.
  • Indicas Indicas, are basically the opposite of sativas in the sense of with indicas they tend to give you a heavy body high them types of strains are good for pain relief, insomnia. I would not recomend using indicas as a wake and bake and i personally only use indicas when im ready to go head to bed as it helps my insomnia.
  • Joints As for these next 3 yall know about so i wont ramble much. Joints are great to get the taste of your weed and it does not contain any tobacco whatsoever unlike blunts so it is healthier.
  • Bowls Probably one of the most popular ways of consuming cannabis, spoon bowls. No water filtration but there really small so easy to hide, most bowls have a decent size bowl for the weed so your not using a ton of herb for 1 hit bowls are great for personal use, also bowls tend to be really harsh when inhaling so it can hurt your lungs if you smoke a lot.
  • Bongs My favorite way of smoking, im sure all of you know what a bong is so im not really going to say anything else other than bongs do get you a lot higher in my opinion then any other way of smoking unless you count wax
  • Dont drive & Smoke Another really basic, dont get me wrong im sure most of us has drove and smoke me included but it in general is a bad idea, not only are you putting yourself at risk you are putting everyone else on the road at risk to, plus if you happen to get pulled over your pretty much fucked.
  • Pass it to the left do i really need to elaborate?
  • Puff Puff Pass You guys should know this… puff… puff… pass to the left unless its 2 – 3 people then MOST people wont care if you take a 3rd hit
  • Roller’s Rights Rollers rights is basically whoever rolls the joint/blunt gets to light said joint/blunt. Alternatively they could pass it to whoever they want to light if its that persons weed.
  • Matching Matching is basically when you and your friends are smoking bowls back to back and yall want to smoke more so for example Friend 1 packs a bowl everyone smokes it then friend 2 packs the second one to match friend 1 and so on.
  • Throwing In Another pretty basic one, whenever ur friends are rolling a blunt its always polite to throw in a little bit just to be nice plus u get a fatter blunt/joint.
  • Save your roaches Not everyone will agree with this espicially those of you in legal states but here for the ents that dont have a lot of money saving your roaches can be great, they dont taste the greatest but they do you get you higher and why waste the weed? ive seen friends just throw there roaches on the ground… like hell collect 5 – 7 roaches you got yourself a fat blunt that will get you high as fuck.
  • THC Oil Oil… there is a lot to talk about under this but im getting tired of typing so gonna keep this short, Oil/Wax/Shatter/Crumble and im sure im forgetting other types but it all comes down to is it is the most pure form of THC you can get i cannot stress this enough if you are even reletiely new to smoking weed dont try this until you have about a year under your belt cause i shit you not dabs will take you to another planet you will get to a fucking [14] if your dabbing some good shatter. Note when dabbing the lighter the color the better so if you get wax that is real dark brown almost black its not very good if you get a nice golden/amber color wax you probably got yourself some fire.

Okay so i know i didnt cover everything because thats nearly impossible however im going to make a second section based on the negatives if you are in a legal state ie piss testing, probation, and everything in between.

  • How long weed stays in your system if you smoke for the first time THC will be out of your system within 2 weeks definitly, if you smoke once a week it will take about a month, if you smoke everyday it will take you up to 60 days to get it out of your system, keep in mind THC binds to fat cells so if your a bigger guy it will take you longer for it to leave your system.
  • How to pass a mouth swab drug test These are super easy to pass given if you stop 2-3 days before the test you will test clean. If not before you go to have the swab done brush your teeth REAL good and use mouth wash, typically that works.
  • How to pass a piss test Piss testing a bit more complicated but here are a couple good tricks drink tons of water beforehand, exersize a lot and i mean a lot, you can also take supplements tbh im not sure which supplements because i have never had to go that route but im sure a simple google search will fill you in.
  • How to pass a hair follicle Shave your head? i have never had a hair follicle test done but i heard there pretty impossible to fake, im pretty sure the only jobs that actually do hair follicle tests are goverment jobs and really really important jobs but yea if you have those done they will know every drug ur ass has done in the last 30 days with a few exceptions
  • How to handle probation I have been there, a lot of us have been there. I was on probation for only 3 months so it wasnt horrible but i have known people to be on probation for CRAZY amounts of time like 5 years… my advice if you can stay clean dude that little high you get from smoking is not worth your freedom… plus in the end you will not win that war trust me, they will literally just make you stay on probation that much longer + typically more community service and i heard they will even fine you but i have never had that happen to me so i cant speak first hand.
  • Possession Charges Okay so i dont have a ton to say on this except be smart dont go walking around with fucking O`s in your pocket cause thats just plain stupid (this is meant for illegal states) AND NEVER EVER carry 2 baggies of weed on you at a time cause if you get caught even if it is 2 1gram sacks they will slap you with intent to distribute, its fucking stupid but they will do it also dont walk around with scales/grinders that kinda stuff cause all that does is just slap a paraphernalia charge on you.

Hope you gus enjoyed this… really long read im sure most of you didnt read all of it no worries i wouldn’t either but if you have any other tips that i happened to miss feel free to throw them in the comments below 🙂 Stay Stoney Ents.

P.S. Also my apologies the last half of this i began getting fucking bored out of my mind and wanted to finish this up but thanks for reading 🙂