How To Celebrate 420

It’s 420, the biggest holiday of the year! It is safe to assume that everyone is stoned on April 20. It may not be accurate, but believing that can help you be less paranoid when you’re interacting with the world today. What’s the appropriate way to celebrate the highest of holidays? By smoking weed. If you smoke daily, it might not seem that special, but trust us, it is. There’s no one definitive way to spend 420, but there are plenty of unofficial traditions to look forward to. Here are a few ways to take full advantage of this holiday.

Wake and Bake

It’s Saturday and you’ve already filed for your tax extension. This afternoon is about over-indulging. Throw a few of your kid’s Pop-tarts in the toaster and then smoke a joint together with your java.


420 is a special day, even if you get high every day. It’s a time to think about your personal relationship with the plant, how it’s evolved over time and what it means to your life.

Hit Up Those Dispensary Sales

It is going to be the first time the industry has experienced a Saturday “420” since full legalization in some nations. Dispensaries everywhere are expecting large crowds drawn in by big promotions. Experts forecast this year’s holiday is going to be the largest sales day for retailers in 420 history, with a few predictions showing that $90 million may be spent on marijuana annually on 420. Cannapexx has tons of deals today including 20% off purchases, and $80 half Os. Check out all their 420 deals here!

Get Outdoors

April in Vancouver means clear skies and plenty of sunshine. Drive down to the sea wall and spend some time sitting on the sand, looking out over the beautiful Pacific. Or bring some snacks head to a hiking trail to explore what lies beyond your backyard. You’d be surprised how therapeutic spending just a few hours outside can be.

Indulge In Munchie Food

You’re not allowed to eat wholesome today. Do not even attempt. This is the day for eating all the junk food you crave but never consume. Carls Jr., McDonalds, Oreos dipped in peanut butter (trust us on that one). All day smoking sessions means all day munchie cravings, and today you have full allowance to eat whatever you want.

Take Action

Not everybody is able to celebrate now, so be an activist for those who can not. Just because a bunch of people are earning money and being open about being bud dealers, doesn’t imply that the war on drugs is over for everyone. Take some time to find out more about the history of legalized cannabis.

Spark Up With Buddies At 4:20

Hang out with the folks in your life with whom you enjoy getting stoned. As you pass round the 4:20 joint, take into consideration the friendships and experiences being a part of this culture have brought to your life. Let those people know just how much they mean to you.

Watch The Stoner Classics

Broad City. Weeds. Pineapple Express. The Big Lebowski. Harold and Kumar. Half-Baked. Dazed and Confused. Cheech and Chong. Spend some time with your favorite stoners from pop culture.

Show Compassion To The Haters

Be respectful not everyone smokes pot or enjoys the smell. Most people would be bothered if somebody blew a vape cloud or puffed a cigarette in their face, so don’t do it to people with marijuana, especially if they despise it. Be respectful about where you smoke, keep away from kids and families.

Whatever you decide to do to celebrate this 420, we hope you have a great holiday!